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CRA Essay Reflection

In order to assess which side I wanted to support, I found as much evidence about each topic.The next part of my process decided which side had more evidence to support it being the strongerargument to backup. I finally came to the decision to support the gas-powered cars argument as it gavelight to evidence that proved it is a stronger choice than electric powered vehicles. This evidence alsohelps to bring to light a side of the debate that is not profoundly cover such as the side in favor ofelectric vehicles and it important to understand that not all debates are one-sided. Many standardswere to provide a convincing argument for the for my side of the debate with strong pieces of evidence.I also had to refute possible counter arguments that could have been stated against my side of thedebate. I feel that I have met those standards as I present three strong pieces of evidence in support ofgas-powered vehicles/against electric vehicles that was able to convince the peers that read my draft toagree with my side of the argument. I believe that I would grade it at a ninety percent as in many casesnot all who read this paper will be convinced about the topic due to bias, however the essay did showthat there is truth as to why there is a debate in the first place rather than all of society blindly believingthat electric cars are superior. There are more cons to electric cars currently than there are to gas-powered cars and bringing this point of view to a society who believes that electric cars are cleaner, willhelp to show that there is not one absolute answer. One goal I would like set for myself next time is toresearch more on the health repercussions of living near nuclear power plant and researching on howdetrimental the effects can be if the byproducts from the nuclear power plants increase as the demandfor electricity increases to compensate for electric car users.