In the Exploratory Essay we had to pick a specific topic to do scholarly research on, which means using sites such as Jstor and Google Scholar for research. We had to explain why this topic was important and urgent for the public to take action, while providing three main points and evidence for each side of the argument. I wrote my essay by putting one piece of evidence for each side in a paragraph.
Rubric according to syllabus:
Key features and grading criteria.
▪ A focused topic. The idea here is to inform your audience about a particular topic without going astray.
▪ Accurate research. You can choose from a range of scholarly essays, books, articles, photographs. Your goal is to become an expert who will well inform the reader. Peer-reviewed sources are encouraged but are not required for this assignment.
▪ Synthesis of ideas. Connect the information you present. Do not just list the information you find.
▪ Clear definitions. You will find topic specific terms in your research, the definitions of which
should be provided and any distinctions from more common words should be made.
▪ Organization and Presentation. Are your paragraphs developed, and do they relate to the main
topic? Are you referencing tables, diagrams, and images along with your writing? If you are referencing media, is it clearly described and benefit your essay? Does your essay contain comparisons, definitions, and explanations? Think about your audience, are they willing to read this? Did you meet the assignment limit?
▪ In-text citations. Make sure you cite your source in your Bibliography and in-text using MLA formatting. This lets the reader know that the information is credible, and that there are others who support your argument.
Other features
- Active voice
- Bibliography
-Three (3) reasons for both sides.
-Transitions and flow
-Follows structure
-Audience-centered introduction.
In this assignment you will discover, evaluate, and summarize your sources in the form of a list. Use the CCNY database to find sources relevant to your essay, document them using the MLA format, and briefly state the purpose of each source in your exploratory essay.
Key features and grading criteria.
▪ Complete bibliographic information. Provide all information about your sources. Provide a URL for all secondary sources accessed online.
▪ A concise description. Accurately summarize the purpose of the text and how you will use it in your essay.
▪ Presentation. Make sure your annotated bibliography adheres to the MLA documentation system standards. Don’t forget to arrange your sources in alphabetical order, and check for any errors.